There was a comment on
Gort's blog requesting that "guest
bloggers" provide some biographical information (link
HERE), which struck me as funny as the comment came from an anonymous poster. Regardless, it did get me thinking that perhaps I too should provide some biographical information.
So without any further delay, here are some biographical nuggets about yours truly (all true by the way):
- I have very big feet
- While standing 6'3" tall, I weighed high school graduation
- I refuse to eat uncooked cheese
- I will not eat organ meat
- I quick-jumped my Social Studies teacher in the "Seniors vs Faculty" basketball game in 1982
- I can't see through both of my eyes at the same time
- Due to severe acid-reflux, I have to take
Prilosec every single day
- I can't stand the smell of peanut butter, but I love the smell of roasting peanuts
- I've gone years without having an alcoholic drink (I only very, very rarely drink)
- I was an Altar Server for ten years
- The smell of sour kraut makes me gag
- I've never eaten clams
- I own a very rate stuffed "
Bill the Cat" doll (from the comic strip Bloom County)
- I don't drink coffee, ever
- I learned how to type at about age 10, on an old manual typewriter
- Despite three years of Spanish, I can barely speak a word of the language
- I have zero musical ability, despite my best efforts to the contrary
- I am an enormous Howard Stern fan
- My appendix burst when I was 6 & I contracted peritonitis
- I once lived near Three Mile Island nuclear power plant
- I named my oldest daughter after a pop-rock band (Katrina and the Waves)
- I have a dental implant
- I require only about 5 hours of sleep a night
- I love First Person Shooter video games (I have an
XBox 360 & PS2)
- I have the complete works of Emily Dickinson
- Hundreds of
CDs and dozens of DVDs
- I don't really like dogs all the much
- I have bad depth perception
- My favorite food is pizza
- I once won a Blind Association poster contest
- My first car was a green 1974 Plymouth Duster
- I count calories in order to maintain my weight
- I can type about 60-70 words per minute
- I've had surgery twice on my eyes
- I will not eat pork (but I confess to having some bacon every once in a while)
- Despite questionable religious views, I always pray before undertaking a long drive
- I never never missed an election
- I suffer from
IBS, which I control through a dietary fiber supplement
- I have a dozen books on astronomy
- I have three cats: Buttons, Oreo & Bella
- I wrote for my high school newspaper
- I know the lyrics to most of
ABBA's greatest hits
- I exercise for 30+ minutes a day most days
- I've worked for the same company for over 21 years
- I've read about three novels in my entire life
- Hill Street Blues is my favorite TV show of all time
- I have a framed cut-away drawing of a
Space: 1999 Eagle hanging in my home office
- My primary guilty pleasure is listening to Sirius Satellite radio
- I excel at trivia games
- My SAT scores were incredibly low
- As a child I wanted to be an architect
- I enjoy reading about religion...and I even have my own copy of The Book of Mormon
- One day I want to buy a classic
VW Beetle
- I love doing electrical work, but I hate doing plumbing
- I take my mother shopping every Sunday, without fail
- I have 24 credits in college-level math & science (including Physics and Calculus)
- I enjoy public speaking
- I can't add or subtract in my head
- I love gadgets
- I enjoy planting flowers and doing yard-work
- I attended public grade school, a Catholic high school, and a public university
- I was half-way to becoming a Civil Engineer when I switched my major to Business Administration
- I almost never sleep past 7:30am, no matter what time I go to bed
- My hearing is slowly getting worse
- I will not eat sausage
- I was once the moderator for Gay Pride month event at work (...and I am 100% heterosexual)
- I think that Beavis & Butthead is under-rated and Seinfeld is over-rated
- I can do my own sewing
- I am a firm believer in personal responsibility
- I want to see Paul McCartney perform before he (or I) dies
- I grew up in a housing project
- I have a horrible singing voice
Now I'm sure I am forgetting a few dozen things, but I think the above paints something of a picture.