Perspective, yes that's the right word for it all. Getting older isn't so much about physical changes as it is about mental changes. You get to see the world not only from the vantage point of a child, but now you get to see it from the vantage point of an adult. You see the details that you missed the first time around when it comes to something like a graduation. You begin to appreciate all over again just how big a deal, how monumental a change, something like this represents.
I don't necessarily envy my middle daughter as she starts this next phase of her life. Again, I lived that once, and although there probably are things I would do differently, in totality those things worked out okay. Besides, now it's her turn. Whatever path she chooses will be her path, not mine. I get to have that perspective though, which is pretty cool. The trick is to try and turn this perspective into something useful, like "good advice", which I'm not necessarily sure I am up to, by the way. The good news here though is that when I graduated from high school (all those years ago), I wasn't sure I was up to that challenge either, but yet I managed. I'm hoping that life repeats.
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