Another year over, a new one just begun."
- John Lennon
(from THIS site)
It's already December 21st, and yet it doesn't seem like Christmas.
Yes, a tree is up, and so are lights, but there's just so much else going on at the moment. I'm struggling with an issue at work that I really had hoped would be resolved by now, but there are just some things that fall outside of our control. In a way, it's a sort of cosmic reminder that we never really have things completely under control. This particular issue is a kind of test package, if you will, for all that I've been working on low these past few years. I speak specifically of trying to live in, and stay focused on, the moment. It's a struggle, but yet I do see some progress in myself. For that I am grateful.
We also had a death today in our work family. I can't and won't try to do this truly nice person justice, other than to say that I had the privilege of occasionally working with her from time to time over the years. That's a double edged sword of working for a single employer for such a long time: I know, and have worked with, a lot of people, which means I see some leave...well before they should. You can read a far better accounting of how this all has a deeper meaning in a posting on the blog "Lights Cancer Action!". We are all ever so slightly diminished at work.
Now tactically I am ready for Christmas. Gifts are secured and wrapped. Holiday plans are made. Guests have been invited, including Gary, my older brother's dog. I just need to mentally catch up to the logistics. Funny, it's usually the opposite: I'm normally mentally there, just wanting for the logistics to catch up to me.
It all comes back to the concept of practice I guess.
I've also been thinking about New Year's resolutions...also known the other 364 days of the year as simply "Goals". More to come on that as the new year approaches. I will share one goal now, seeing as though it has something of a more immediate impact:
I can't do all of this throughout the entire Christmas/New Year's holiday, but I can try. #1 will be especially difficult for me, but I can think of few more noble endeavors.
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