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Sunday, July 28, 2024

The End of the Line

There are times in our lives when we have to deal with things that basically escape our ability to understand, explain or even maybe acknowledge our own feelings.  This sort of thing happens when you live long enough and experience a wide range of the things that life has to offer.  You think you have things basically figured out and then something happens.  Sometimes those things are not unexpected, but yet that's of little help, as no matter how good a planner we view ourselves to be, reality can have a habit of making a mockery of our mental preparations.

And so I find myself today.  

The Traveling Wilburys song "The End of the Line" has a video that's basically a tribute to Roy Orbison, who helped record the song, but had passed away before the video could be recorded.  He's memorialized in an empty chair with a guitar.  Somehow this seems fitting.  

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