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Sunday, February 23, 2025

Tom Homan vs. the United States Constitution

Apparently the "Border Czar" under the current administration is very upset at New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for actually informing fellow human beings about their legal rights.  Citation here:

I will state categorically that I have issues with many of the things that Rep. Ocasio-Cortez supports.  However, informing individuals of their actual, legal, Constitutional rights should be something we all support.  Unless of course you only want those rights to apply to you (and, let's be honest here, people who look like you).

By the way, this is what the "Border Czar" is upset about...

In case you didn't know, U.S. Constitutional rights and protections extend to legally or otherwise.  You can learn more about this by reviewing a presentation by Penn State's Law School here.  The second slide is the most important...

These Constitutional rights are the ultimate protection against a big, intrusive government, and by their very nature these must apply to the least among us, or they truly have no real value for anyone.  The fact is that the rich and the powerful will always have the resources to get their way (an example is how Rupert Murdoch gained his citizenship).  In a perfect world the rules would apply equally to the privileged and those "not so much", but as my first Director at Prudential (Augie Urgola, God rest his soul) used to say, "It ain't a perfect world".  While Constitutional rights don't fix this, they at least provide for a kind of safety net.

Finally, even if you support the current president, you should be exceptionally skeptical of any notion that basic rights can be stripped from those who have become a kind of political pawn in a never-ending war for power among politicians.  Any politicians.  Rights taken away from an immigrant today create a precedent that rights could be taken away from you tomorrow.

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